domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

133 יום

Coming back to Israel proper from Bethlehem was really interesting. I've heard so much and read so much and talked so much about checkpoints and the wall. Well here they are:

Seriously Obama, You're o.k. with this?

Merry Christmas to the World from the Bethlehem Ghetto

sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010

132 יום

First of all Merry Christmas to everyone!!! I'm just getting used to saying it. Of course just  in time to not need it anymore. Obviously, the phrase isn't of much use in Israel.

After 126 days (If I counted correctly) living in Tel Aviv, I am home. It's been a long time since I wrote anything. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I'll overwhelm you, at least not in this entry. Pretty much what happened was when December hit, I could count the days I had left. You know me; I am always thinking ahead. AKA I couldn't keep it out of my consciousness that I was leaving in X number of days. So, honestly, I didn't want to use the time to write. I tried to spend as much of my last three weeks exploring, sitting in cafes, going out, as often as I could with my Israeli friends. So, really there's not much to say about these last weeks in terms of what I did. I'll get to thoughts later. For know I'll put up some pictures from my last excursion: The Temple Mount and Bethlehem, Palestine.

Nitya in front of the Dome of the Rock (site where Abraham laid Isaac to sacrifice him to God)

The Modern town of Bethlehem

The Altar marks the supposed spot Christ was born

Outside the Church of the Nativity