domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

105 יום Part א

So I want to throw in some short little posts to give you a wider scope of my time in Israel. So, as you all know how much I love music, I want to throw in a few of the songs that I will forevermore associate with this trip.

These first two I heard at least 5 times a day for the first month we were here. Apparently, lots of people abroad did, so maybe it's just an everywhere-but-America thing. Neither is Israeli, but to me they will always be the Israel songs:

This next one is Israeli, specifically Mizrakhi (AKA. Middle Eastern Jewish, think of it as thee Arab Jews. Yes they do exist, although most of them live here now since their countries kicked them out when Israel was established.) Most of my Israeli friends hate this stuff, but it plays everywhere all the time, so maybe it's just them. I LOVE IT!

This last one is a song from one of the movies we watched in Israeli cinema called Yossi and Jagger. I was obsessed with it for about a week.  It's a cover by Ivri Lider of a song by Rita, a Persian Israeli who represented Israel in the Eurovision song contest.

The last ones are some local TLV talent whose concerts I went to see this semester.

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